Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Proposal for the analytical report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal for the analytical report - Essay Example The research intends to answer the question, ‘is there a significant relationship between internal control practices and reported accounting frauds in organizations?’ It proposes to test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between effectiveness of internal control mechanisms and incidence of accounting fraud in organizations. Introduction Fraud defines a criminal deception that targets a financial gain. While a final independent audit may identify accounting fraud for legal actions against suspected personnel, this avenue does not recover lost finances because criminal acts attracts no remedy to the victim. The best solution for safeguarding an organization’s finances is therefore through establishment of strong internal control avenues that can detect and prevent possible frauds. This research seeks to establish a basis ensuring implementation of most appropriate internal control measures. The problem Fraud is a major threat to the going c oncern of an organization, both small scale and large scale. This identifies fraud and internal control measures towards controlling fraud as essential elements to organizational management. A number of internal control measures exist for detecting and preventing fraud such as application of checks and balances on offices that deals in finance based issues like planning, authorizing, and accounting offices. Frequent reconciliation of accounts, restricting access to authorized personnel, strong policies and discouraging conspiracy are other identified control avenues (Hogan, 2011). Brainstorming to evaluate possible fraud or fraud indicators and monitoring compliance to codes of conducts as set by organizations also facilitates detection and prevention of fraud (Aicpa, 2005). Such measures are however hard to understand if fraud is deeply rooted in an organization, such as in circumstances where an organization’s management applies fraud in external ventures. This therefore id entifies far-reaching effects of fraud that extends to industry’s performance and consumers economic factors. Fraud is however both a criminal and immoral act that should not exist in professional practice. Effective measures are therefore necessary to ensure that possible threats of fraud are identified and eliminated. Findings from this research will be instrumental to professional personnel that is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding an organization’s finances. Such are accounts officers and the chief accounting officer, internal auditors, organizations’ managements and external auditors. The accounts officers will find the research results helpful in identifying potential threats to fraud for necessary actions such as reporting to senior management officers. The chief accounting officers is however a chief beneficiary of the research findings that will help in controlling the vice in his docket. The management whose role involves disciplining emp loyees and overly supervising an organizational activities and processes need to be informed about fraud control because they are the organization’s custodians to external stakeholders. Internal and external auditors will however find the results helpful in identifying inconsistencies in statements and in recommending appropriate measures

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Critical Analysis of the Policy Making Process in Public Administration Essay Example for Free

A Critical Analysis of the Policy Making Process in Public Administration Essay South Africa has changed over time and ever since the democratic elections lots of laws and policies have been changed as well. When a policy is being made it will always involve interaction between the population and the institutions that have to perform the policy making functions. Interaction takes place by means of elections, meetings between the people and officials, public opinion surveys, media campaigns, etc. No policy can be made in an disorderly manner, so if the information which is needed to decide on a new policy is not correct, no planning can be made. For example, if a policy must be made which involves the standards of schools, research surveys must be done in all the schools of the state. This must then be interpreted and evaluated correct by the person or persons doing it. 2. Public Policy In any society, governmental entities enact laws, make policies, and allocate resources. According to Cloete (1993) a policy is a declaration of intent to do something or to have it done by specified institutions or functionaries as prescribed. There are a few steps that need to be completed successfully to have a policy such as a series of decisions have to be taken, the implementation of a policy means another series of decisions, and for policy analysis another series of decisions have to be taken. Cloete (1993:80) states that the constitution is a policy statement because it declares â€Å"the action to be taken by specified institutions and office bearers who follow stated procedures and respect prescribed conduct guidelines and values for the creation and maintenance of the state. However, a policy statement is never static because of human society constantly moving and developing it causes a constant change in policy to adapt to the changing needs and expectations of the population. Public policy can be generally defined as a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic formed by government entity or its representatives. As a government action it is generally the principled guide to action taken by the administrative or executive branches of the state with regard to a class of issues in a manner consistent with law and institutional customs. Schuster, 2009) Therefore, a major aspect of public policy is law, which includes specific legislation and provisions of constitutional or international law. Furthermore, Gerston (2008: 7) also states that a public policy is also the combination of basic decisions, commitments, and actions made by those who hold or influence government positions of authority. These arrangements result from interactions amongst those who demand change, those who make decisions, and those affected by the policy in question. Issues such as health, crime, education, social welfare and foreign policy can be addressed by public policy. Leaders of religious and cultural institutions can also make public policies for the benefit of the congregation and participants. I personally feel that public policies have a blend of both politics and government, and that public policies are there to address a public issue by instituting laws, regulations, decisions, or actions to control the problem at hand. 3. Public Policy Making Public policy making is a complex process that involves the interplay of numerous individuals and interest groups competing and collaborating to influence policymakers to act in a particular way. According to Cloete (1993) the term policy making should be used to refer to functions performed to obtain policies. Individuals and groups are always trying to shape public policy through education, advocacy, or mobilization of interest groups. Thus, policy making consists of the performance of a group of generic administrative processes. According to Cliffs (1987) policy making involves a number of functions to be performed namely: the identification of matters on which policies have to be made and the investigation of the matters requiring new policies or policy adaptations. When new public policies are created, there are generally three key things involved in the process: the problem, the player, and the policy. The problem is the issue needs to be addressed, the player is the individual or group that is influential in forming a plan to address the problem in question, and the policy is the finalized course of action decided upon by the government. Schuster, 2009). The general public will make the government aware of an issue through writing letters and emails, or making phone calls to local government leaders, the issue is then brought forward during government meetings and the process for creating new public policies. 3. 1Key actors in public policy making process In essence Wasby (1973: 50) states that he population plays a huge role in policy making and that is why there will always be a numerous amount of role-players in policy-making. The main categories of actors in the policy making process are official actors who have statutory or constitutional responsibilities such as legislative, executive, and judiciary. Unofficial actors have participation with no explicit legal authority such as interest groups, media. Most of the critical work on public policy is done in committees, which review legislation, propose and vote on amendments, and, in the end, decide whether a bill will die at the committee level or be elevated for consideration by the full body. Legislatures consider bills submitted to them by the political executive office-bearers. The courts have the ability to interpret legislative and executive actions: judicial review. Courts are the weakest because their authority rests on the legitimacy of the law and their ability to argue their case. Legislatures and executives initiate public policy, while courts react to the practical effects of such policies. Elected executives focus on agenda-setting, (Cliffs, 1987). The judicial system in a democratic country like South Africa has a major role in the public policy making process. All policies are formulated keeping in view the existing laws and legal provisions. According to Wasby (1973) the judiciary enters the area of policy making delivering suggestive or advisory judgments aimed at the effective achievement of the goals of the country as contained in the Preamble and the body of the Constitution. The judiciary issues directions for formulating a particular policy or changing the existing policy to suit a particular purpose. The judiciary being the sole guardian of the Constitution ensures that none of its provisions are contravened by the legislative, executive or administrative actions. Interest groups have been part of the political scene since the founding. Arrangements exist to link interest groups and public institutions to enable these groups to make regular inputs for policy-making purposes. According to Cloete (1993) political parties can play a vital role in making of policies. During elections they concentrate on weak policies of their opponents and suggest better policies for the state. Media’s primary function in policy process is agenda-setting. Media coverage correlates with institutional attention. Media also plays a very important role in educating members of the population about political and dministrative matters. Policy Making stages Grindle and Thomas offer a more interactive version of the stages model. Their central insight is that â€Å"a policy reform initiative may be altered or reversed at any stage†¦ by the pressures and reactions of those who oppose it† (1991:126). However, conflict over policy tends to center at that point in the process where a reform initiative has been agreed to in principle by decision makers somewhere in government and is moving on for further ratification and eventual implementation. Most of the heavy policy action comes after these early decision stages. A policy established and carried out by the government goes through several stages from inception to conclusion. These are Agenda-setting, Formation, Adoption, Implementation, Evaluation, and Termination. 4. 1 Agenda- setting The â€Å"agenda† is the list of subjects or problems to which government officials, and people outside of government closely associated with those officials, are paying serious attention at some given time (Rainey, 2003). Before a policy can be created, a problem must exist that is called to the attention of the government. Illegal immigration, for example, has been going on for many years, but it was not until the 1990s that enough people considered it such a serious problem that it required increased government action. Public problems will only reach the political agenda if they converted into political issues. This happens when an interest group demands government action on a problem, or when there is public disagreement over ways in which a problem should be addressed. According to Farmer (1995), the agenda- setting process narrows the set of all possible issues to the set that actually becomes the focus of attention. People rather limited capacity to seriously attend to many things at once is also characteristic of political systems, where agenda-setting is the bottleneck. Following Kingdon (1984:8), these can be conceived as three process streams- processes through which participants affect agendas such as problems, solutions and politics. Academics, for example, tend to be more involved on formatting proposals than are politicians, who seldom draft detailed policy documents. Problems Cliff (1993:7) states that problems are recognized and defined according to processes that are different from the ways in which policies are formulated and political events unfold. Many problems can also be seen either as private misfortunes for those who experience them or as public policy failures that government should address. But private problems need to be linked to public causes to attract government attention. When a young woman drops out of secondary school because of an unplanned pregnancy, for example, that may be a private misfortune. But only when women’s organisations and educators complain that adolescent pregnancy threatens the growth of skilled work force, and thus undermines economic development, does adolescent pregnancy become a problem for government that calls for government response. Only when a private misfortune is translated into a problem of educational attainment and economic growth does it become something that must concern policy makers. † Problem definition is the active manipulation of images of conditions by competing political actors. Conditions come to be defined as problems through the strategic portrayal of causal stories† (Stone, 1989). 4. 1. 2Solutions Policy alternatives are developed according to their own criteria of selection, whether or not they are solutions to recognize problems or sensitive to political considerations. Career civil servants, technocrats, academics, and policy advocates with nongovernmental organisations all play more of a role in framing of policy alternatives in Africa is further complicated by the presence of international donors, who may not share the same priorities or interests and who often do not speak with one voice. Ogden, 1971). 4. 1. 3Politics Political events flow along on their own often unpredictable schedule, whether or not they are related to problems or policy proposals. The third family of explanations for how a subject or a problem rises or falls on a government agenda has to do with politics. Developments in the political sphere can be powerful agenda-setters, for example, a change in government, a change of government ministers, a significant swing in national mood, can all move a subject onto or off of a government agenda. Politicians typically employ a calculus of political feasibility to determine whether a problem should be granted a high place on the policy agenda. 4. 2Formation In this stage policies are created and/or changed. According to Chandler (2000) policy formation means coming up with an approach to solving a problem. Congress, the executive branch, the courts, and interest groups may be involved. Contradictory proposals are often made. For example, the president may have one approach to immigration reform, and the opposition-party members of Congress may have another. Policy formulation has a tangible outcome: A bill of rights goes before Congress or a regulatory agency drafts proposed rules. The process continues with adoption. 4. 3 Adoption â€Å"A policy is adopted when a Congress passes legislation, the regulations become final, or the Supreme Court renders a decision in a case† ( Farmer,1995). This stage is also when a policy is brought into force, for example, by state or federal legislation. New or changed public policies are often adopted by means of a decision of cabinet, or an individual minister, without any legislation change. This stage includes the actions and mechanisms whereby policies are brought into practice, that is, where what is written in the legislation or policy document is turned into a reality. The content of the policy, and its impact on those affected, may be modified substantially, or even negated. A statue usually provides a broad outline of a policy. For example, Congress may mandate improved water quality standards, but Environmental protection agency (EPA) provides the details on those standards and the procedures for measuring compliance through regulations. According to Rainey (2003) the Supreme Court has no mechanism to enforce its decisions; other branches of government must implement its determinations. Successful implementation depends on the complexity of the policy, coordination between those putting the policy into effect, and compliance. For example, the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the justices realized that desegregation was a complex issue; however, they did not provide any guidance on how to implement it. Here, implementation depended upon the close scrutiny of circuit and appeals court judges, as well as local and state school board members who were reluctant to push social change. Dye indicates that implementation involves all of the activities designed to carry out the policies enacted by the legislative branch. These activities include the creation of new organizations and departments, agencies, bureaus, and the assignment of new responsibilities to existing organizations. These organizations must translate laws into operational rules and regulations. They must hire personnel, draw up contracts, spend money, and perform tasks. All of these activities involve decisions by bureaucrats and decisions that determine policy (Dye, 2005). One critical aspect of policy implementation is the high degree of discretion afforded to the bureaucrats and agency procedures to transform laws into action as outlined by Dye above. 4. 4. 1 Challenges and pitfalls of policy implementation Theodoulou and Kofinis identify three key challenges which they believe can routinely impede the effective implementation of public policy. Those three challenges are: 4. 4. 1. 1 Clarity of policy goals Clear policy or program goals help specify the ends or objectives desired from the policy action. Ideally, policies should be formulated with consideration of what the actual specific goals of the policy are goal stated with clarity and specificity not only provides direction but also improves the basis by which policies can be evaluated, for accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness (Theodoulou and Kofinis, 2004, p183). 4. 4. 1. 2 Information intelligence Information intelligence refers to the strategic necessity for constant feedback as to how implementation is progressing, as well as the preliminary assessments of impacts. Given the increasing reliance on multiple bureaucracies, information and feedback is essential to gauge the degree of interagency and intergovernmental cooperation and conflict, which may be affecting implementation. Information intelligence requires a high level of communication and feedback not only from the agencies involved but also from the population affected by the policy action. According to Ogden (1971) when they are terminated, it is usually because the policy became obsolete, clearly did not work, or lost its support among the interest groups and elected officials that placed it on the agenda in the first place. In 1974, for example, Congress enacted a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour. It was effective in reducing highway fatalities and gasoline consumption. On the other hand, the law increased costs for the trucking industry and was widely viewed as an unwarranted federal intrusion into an area that belonged to the states to regulate. The law was terminated in 1987. . Conclusion It is clear that policy making is not a task that can be undertaken by a single institution. Numerous private and public institutions must work together to ensure the well-being of the population. Policies cannot stay the same year in and year out. Changing circumstances demand constant evaluation of the existing policies. The top officials’ must take the lead in evaluating and proposing policy changes. It is therefore very important for Directors- General of state departments and town clerks to evaluate the results of their work and to inform their supervisors about needs for policy change.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mother Daughter Relationships - Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays

Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club Although mothers and daughters are genetically related, sometimes they seem like complete strangers. When immigrants raise their children in America, there is a great concern for these parents that American culture will negatively affect their children. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, four mothers try to instill their Asian culture into their daughters' lifestyle; however, these daughters rebel against them, due to their desire to assimilate themselves into American culture. Early in the novel, the Joy Luck Club members discuss the different types of mah jong; it is then that Jing Mei realizes how oppositely she and her mother spoke to one another. While these women are explaining the differences in Chinese and Jewish mah jong, Jing Mei plays back the conversations that she and her mother used to have regarding the same topic. During their talks, her mother indirectly attempted to have her daughter keep her Asian culture a part of her daily lifestyle. One way was through Suayan's snappish tone, used when describing the lesser style, Jewish mah jong, with no logical explanation. Jing Mei assumed that this negativity was simply because of its ethnicity being unlike the Chinese way. Despite her mother's wishes, Jing Mei played Jewish mah jong with her friend's (22). Another roundabout manner Suayan avidly sought to keep the Asian tradition in her daughter's lifestyle was Suayan's refusal to speak to her daughter in English. Jing Mei's rebellion was similarly apparent when she continued to speak in a subdued tone in English while her mother spoke in Chinese. Later on in the novel, Waverly and her mother, Lindo, are at odds with each other over a simple haircut. Lindo is annoyed by Waverly's haircut because it does not resemble a traditional Asian hairstyle; rather it looks "chopped off," and that Waverly should "ask for {her} money back (182). Waverly, on the other hand, loves it because it looks fashionably American (182). Knowing it would infuriate her mother, Waverly rebels regardless because it was more important to look "hip" than to please her mother. Towards the end of the novel, Waverly and her mother conflict over whether Waverly, as a young woman, will be accepted in China since she has been able to "walk out the door by herself and go to school," she has chosen not to follow her mother's Chinese ways (289).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Depreciation and Useful Life

Buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, computers, outdoor lighting, parking lots, cars, and trucks are examples of assets that will last for more than one year, but will not last indefinitely. Over time, these assets depreciate. Depreciation is defined as a non-cash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of physical or functional factors over time. Therefore, the costs of the fixed assets should be recorded as an expense over their useful lives, since they depreciate and must be replaced once the end of their useful life is reached. Physical depreciation factors include wear and tear during use or from being exposed to such things as weather. Functional depreciation factors include obsolescence or changes in customer needs that cause the asset to no longer provide services for which it was intended or needed. When it comes to computing depreciation, there are three factors that determine the depreciation expense for a fixed asset: the asset’s initial cost, expected useful life, and estimated residual value. And there are also three different ways to calculate depreciation: the straight –line method, the units-of-production method, and the double-declining-balance method. The straight-line method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset’s useful life, and is known to be the most commonly used method of calculating depreciation. The unit’s-of-production method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each unit of production. Based on what the asset is, the unit’s-of-production method can be expressed in terms of quantity produced, miles, hours, etc. and is often used when the fixed assets in service time or use varies from year to year. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation provides for a declining periodic expense over the expected useful life of the asset. The double-declining-balance method shows a higher depreciation in the first year of the asset’s use, followed by declining depreciation amounts in the years following, which is why this method is also referred to as an accelerated depreciation method. There are several different types of assets that depreciate over time. Depreciation refers to fixed assets, which exist physically, thus making them tangible assets. In some cases, there are assets that do not depreciate. An example of an asset that does not depreciate would be land since it has an unlimited useful life. If land has a limited useful life, as is the case with a quarry, then it is acceptable to depreciate it over its useful life. One example of an asset that would depreciate would be a MacBook Pro laptop. This is an asset that I would use the straight-line method for being that while computers and technology are constantly changing; devices such as MacBook Pro’s seem to consistently hold their value. Let’s say you purchased the MacBook Pro for $2800 with an expected useful life of 5 years and an estimated residual value of $700, according to the straight-line method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Annual Depreciation = Cost –Residual Value = $2800-$700 = $420. 00 Useful life 5 Another example of an asset that would depreciate over time would be a vehicle. This is an asset that I would use the units-of-production method for being that the usage and mileage may vary from year to year. Let’s say you purchased the vehicle for $59,900 that is expected to have a useful life of 95,000 miles and an estimated residual value of $19,560, and during the year the vehicle was operated 21,000 miles. According to the units-of-production method of depreciation, it would be calculated as: Step 1: Depreciation per Unit = Cost –Residual Value = $59,900 -$19,560 = $0. 42 per mile Total Units of Production 95,000 miles Step2: Depreciation Expense=Depreciation per unit X Total Units of Production Used Depreciation Expense = $0. 42 X 21,000 Miles = $8,820

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The road to Mecca Essay

The play ‘The road to Mecca’ by Athol Fugard is a feminist play that expresses the struggle for freedom, identity and meaning through personal fulfilment. In the statement â€Å"There’s nothing sacred in a marriage that abuses the woman† (p23), Elsa expresses her feelings towards women’s rights, because these rights are supported by the law: â€Å"She has got a few rights, Miss Helen, and I just want to make sure she knows what they are.†(p23). Helen finds it interesting that Elsa has a liberal way of thinking and can express her feelings so freely. Elsa believes in the equal rights to all races and that no one should be treated unworthy: she believes Katrina must get rid of that â€Å"drunken bully† (p23), because she can â€Å"Find somebody who will value her as a human being.† (p23) Elsa represents women that believe in human rights and freedom of speech. When Elsa and Miss Helen are discussing ‘Getruida’, Elsa states that Helen should â€Å"Tell her to demand her rights to get up there and put her case† (p24). Helen does not agree with Elsa’s point of view; that women should stand up for their rights and tells her â€Å"you’re terrible† to which Elsa replies: â€Å"And you’re an old hypocrite, Miss Helen† (p24). Elsa believes each person has the freedom to make their voice heard; regardless of gender, age, religion or race: â€Å"Has anybody bothered to ask the colored people what they think about it all?† (p25) Miss Helen is part of the conservative White Afrikaners of Nieu Bethesda that still have fixed ideas about religion and Christianity. Miss Helen does not express her views and rights as a woman verbally but visually creates her own â€Å"Mecca† of beauty and freedom. She decorates the inside of her house with dozens of candles and mirrors; Helen’s room is a â€Å"little miracle of light and colour† (p33). The inside of ‘The owl House’, represents the link between creativity and light, the candles being Miss Helen’s freedom of expression. The outside, the ‘camel yard’, is a myriad of cement wise men, camels, owls, mermaids and other figures, mostly facing east (representing that the figures are looking towards the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia).  Miss Helen’s ‘Mecca† is a metaphor for the relationship between freedom and imagination. Miss Helen sees her art as being her right of personal expression of her own i dentity and inner feelings: â€Å"It is the best of me, Elsa† (p34) Miss Helen was a woman devoted to her church, but after the death of her husband she did not mourn as many expected, instead she lit her house with candles and sculpted bright, lifeless figures and allowed her to escape â€Å"the darkness that nearly smothered† her life. Miss Helen now has the right to make her own choices; she does not to become another churchgoing widow, but instead set herself free by doing what she loves and creating a wonderland of art because she â€Å"dared to be different†. Miss Helen alienated herself from the Afrikaner community of Nieu Bethesda because they judged her vision and rejected her art. The community expected Miss Helen to stay inside behind closed curtains, but Miss Helen did the opposite and let as much light into her life as she possibly could. Elsa said: â€Å"Light is a miracle, Miss Barlow, which even the most ordinary human being can make happen.†(p32). Through Helen’s art she survives in an isolated community and freely expresses herself. When Miss Helen met Elsa, she showed her the inside of her house and when Elsa saw Helen’s home, lit by candle light, she knew she had found a true friend: â€Å"I so desperately wanted you to like what you saw.† (p34) followed by â€Å"If you only knew what you did for my life that day†. When Elsa saw Miss Helen’s ‘Mecca’ for the first time she was overwhelmed: â€Å"I just stood there and gasped† (p33). Miss Helen was pleased: â€Å"How much courage, how much faith in it you gave me.† (p35). Elsa admired Helen’s courage to fulfil her dream despite the religious views of the community. Miss Helen finds happiness and piece in her own ‘Mecca’ and does not concern her with the vision of the community on what is considered to be â€Å"right† but rather believes her â€Å"Mecca has got a logic of its own,† (p36). Elsa and Miss Helen are both women in a crisis point in their life and rebels against social conventions in their own special way. Miss Helen is a strong  woman that is not dependent on men unlike Elsa who had an affair with a David, a married man, and always believed he will leave his wife for her, where she ended up â€Å"being a victim of the situation†(p30) Elsa hides her secret until the end of the play. The local priest of Nieu Bethesda, Marius Byleveld, wants Miss Helen to move to â€Å"Sunshine home for the aged† (p40) in Graaff-Reinet, because he fears for her safety after she had an accident where she burnt herself when a candle fell over. Miss Helen wrote a letter of distress to Elsa, who then drove all the way from Cape Town to assist Miss Helen. Marius Byleveld came to see Miss Helen to express his concern that the community labelling Miss Helen as ‘mad’. He came to tell her that a room is available in an old age home and he ensured that she was moved to the top of the list â€Å"as a personal favour† (p56): he also expresses that there is a â€Å"decision to be made, one way or the other†. Marius is a â€Å"persuasive talker† (p42) and puts a lot of pressure on Miss Helen by asking her many questions such as why she doesn’t go to church anymore (p66) and accuses her of idolatry (p67). He is trying to make decisions on her behalf saying it is his â€Å"duty as a Christian† (p67). Marius does not respect Miss Helen’s art or her opinion, when speaking to her, seemingly passive Miss Helen, has to stop him and say: â€Å"Can I please talk now†. Marius is not only interested in Helen’s spiritual well-being but also fears for Miss Helen’s health and safety, because her appearance displays â€Å"personal neglect† (p15) and he feels she will be better off in an Old Age Home. His concern also has deeper meanings because he is concerned about her self-imposed exile from church and that she does not act what is socially expected of her. He evokes Miss Helen when he calls her statues â€Å"ornaments† and â€Å"cement monstrosities†. Marius Byleveld does not understand why Miss Helen is so persistent to stay in her own house where her ‘hobby’ seemed to have taken over her life and backyard: â€Å"You call that †¦ nightmare out there an expression of freedom?† (p67). He believes her â€Å"life has become as grotesque as those creations out there† Miss Helen was pulled in two directions by the two people closest to her; Elsa encourages Helen to be strong and independent and to stand up for her rights as an independent woman, while Marius motivates her to give in and move to a home where people can help take care of her needs; where she can become an active member of the church and community. Elsa challenges Miss Helen to stand up for herself and not give into Marius’s request; â€Å"You haven’t got enough faith in your life and your work to defend them against him† Helen explains herself to Marius: when her husband, Stephanus, died she â€Å"lost faith† and used as many candles as she could find, because the â€Å"candles did all the crying†. She created her own â€Å"Mecca† as personal goal to set herself free. The candles that were lit after the funeral inspired Miss Helen to express her inner feelings: â€Å"I had all the candles I wanted† (p46). Elsa says it beautifully: Miss Helen is â€Å"the first truly free spirit I have ever known†. Elsa believes that all people have rights, as that is what she teaches her children in her class. Elsa empowers Miss Helen to choose freedom and not move to the retirement Home: â€Å"When he comes around tonight, hand this back to him †¦ unsigned †¦ and say no.† (p42) because Elsa believes â€Å"You’ve got to prove to the village that you are quite capable of looking after yourself.† (p44). Elsa vehemently urges Helen to resist Marius Byleve ld’s â€Å"help,† and that she should refuse his offer: â€Å"You’re still living your life, not drooling it away†(p43). Miss Helen has both the right and freedom to choose where she wants to live. With the help of Elsa, Miss Helen takes a stand for her personal rights to remain in her own little â€Å"mecca† rather than going to the retirement Home. Elsa is proud of Miss Helen who is now â€Å"A free woman.†(p66) and states: â€Å"You affirmed your right as a woman† (p75)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Test Anxiety in University

Test Anxiety in University Free Online Research Papers TEST ANXIETY AS A FACTOR IN UNDERGRADUATESACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AT THE NIGERIAN PREMIER UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION Abstract This study investigates the test anxiety as a factor in academic performance. Four hundred students were randomly selected from four Colleges in the University: (1) College of Applied Education Vocational (2) College of Humanities (3) College of Social Management Studies and (4) College of Applied Sciences. One hundred students were randomly selected from each College. Students Test Anxiety Questionnaire (STAQ) was designed and used to collect data. While current grade Point Average score used as measure of academic performance. Data was analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correction and Student t test. The result of the data analysis showed a strong negative correlation between test anxiety and academic performance. The level of test anxiety experience by male and female students also differs significantly. Regular periodic programmes to reduce test anxiety should be organised by the University Counselling Centre, while parents should help female students to prepare better fo r examinations in order to reduce test anxiety. Background to the Study Anxiety is described as the apprehensive anticipation of future danger or misfortune accompanied by a feeling of dysphasia or somatic symptoms of tension. (Stanton,1993). From another perspective, anxiety is a feeling of unease. Everybody experiences it when faced with a stressful situation, for example before an examination or an interview, or during a worrying time such as illness. It is normal to feel anxious when facing something difficult or dangerous and mild. Anxiety can be a positive and useful experience. Spielberger and Sarason (1998) defined test anxiety as a situation-specific trait that refers to the anxiety states and worry conditions that are experienced during examinations. The level of anxiety can fluctuate over time in response to both internal and external stimulation. Naylor (1994) observed that test taking anxiety is significant for both educators and students While, Tobais (1985) suggested that test anxiety may be a function of poor study habits or deficient skills of test-taking which themselves have deleterious effects on academic performance. Observable behaviours of anxiety can be noticed during the completion process of a questionnaire presented to the students or participants. Some of those behaviours might include perspiration, excessive moment and questioning of instructions. These behaviours are often compatible with the classification of high and low test anxiety groups (Smith, 1995). There are also stable individual differences in the degree to which anxiety is manifested in any given situation. A disruption or disorganisation of effective problem solving and cognitive control, including difficulty in thinking clearly, can also lead to test anxiety (Freidman Bendas-Jacob 1997). There are a lot of factors that contribute to the development of test anxiety. Oderinde(2000) explained that inadequate preparation on the part of students couple with attendant companion of fear of failure have affected academic performance and examination misconduct. Another factor is self-concept, which is the overall sum of self-referent information that an individual has processed, stored and organised in a systematic manner (Spielberger Sarason 1989). The self-concept can be viewed as an image of oneself. Worry of suffering a reduction of the self-image, particularly in the eyes of peers, leads to higher test anxiety level (Friedman Bendas-Jacob (1997). Self-awareness is another factor of test anxiety. It is defined as the feeling of being observed or evaluated by others. A more commonly recognised factor of test anxiety is the classroom climate. People, in general, have the need to manipulate and control their surroundings in order to produce a comfortable environment. In a classroom setting, however, there may not be the opportunity to control the surroundings. This creates the possibility of different level of arousal. The degree of arousal in relation to ones adaptation level will determine whether a positive or negative affective experience will result (Spielberger Sarason1985). If an individuals experience is negative, then the test anxiety will be higher leading to lower performance. Invariably, if an individuals experience is positive, then the test anxiety level will be lower leading to higher performance. Mauduabum (2001) also noted that the desire to satisfy parental expectations and ensure that future plans are not marred creates anxiety and tension, all of which make cheating attractive to students and often result in poor performance. It is also gathered that sex differences is observed whereby females rather than males tend to experience high anxiety. Overall, it is important to consider motives, aptitudes, cognitive assessments of the task, and past experience when analysing test anxiety and how it relates to academic performance (Heather April 2002). Test anxiety in general is expected to have a negative effect on academic performance (Smith 1995). While, stressful testing conditions arouse high anxiety which in turn arouses defensive processes and prevents the person from acknowledging the anxiety. Statement of the Problem The study investigated test anxiety as a factor in undergraduates academic performance. Research Questions (1) What is the relationship between students test anxiety and level of academic performance? (2) Is there any significant difference between male and female students level of test anxiety? Methodology This is a descriptive study of the ex-post facto type in which the researcher simply conducts an objective study of factors, which already exist. None of the variables was manipulated. Participants The participants consisted of 400 students drawn from the four Colleges in the Universities that is, 100 students each randomly selected in the College of Applied Education and Vocational Technology, College of Humanities, College of Social Management Studies and College of Applied Sciences. Instrumentation Students Test Anxiety Questionnaire (STAQ) developed and validated by the researcher was administered, while their currents Grade Point Average was used as measures of academic performance. The questionnaires are five-point Likert Scale type. The students were asked to indicate their feelings by ticking Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree in front of each item in the STAQ. The questionnaires consist of 16 items. Students were not asked to indicate their names on the questionnaires so as to make responses anonymous. The split-half reliability coefficient of STAQ is 0.732 Data Analysis Data analysis was carried out using Pearson Product moment correlation, and t-test analyses. Research Question 1 What is the relationship between students test anxiety and level of academic performance? Test Anxiety Academic Performance Pearson Correlation Test Anxiety Academic Performance Sig. 2 tailed N 1.000 -0.83 .041 400 -0.83 1.000 .041 400 Table 1 above shows a very high negative correlation between test anxiety and academic performance (r= -0.83, P

Monday, October 21, 2019

Growing and Caring for Norfolk Island Pine

Growing and Caring for Norfolk Island Pine Araucaria heterophylla, or Norfolk Island pine or Australian pine, is a southern hemisphere conifer native to the Norfolk Islands and Australia. Technically, its not a real pine. Norfolk Island Pine is one of the few conifers able to adapt to inside the home and is able to tolerate relatively low light levels. In its native habitat, this tree may reach 200 feet in height with 15-pound cones. The tree will grow outside in the United States but only in the semi-tropics of Florida. Specifics Scientific name: Araucaria heterophyllaPronunciation: air-ah-KAIR-ee-uh het-er-oh-FILL-uhCommon name(s): Norfolk Island Pine, Australian PineFamily: AraucariaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: South tip of Florida and California, zone 11Origin: not native to North AmericaUses: specimen, house plantAvailability: generally available in many areas within its hardiness range - especially during Christmas holidays. Pruning As Norfolk pine grows upward, the trunk thickens and the pine limbs increase in size. You should never cut their growing tips off and only rarely trim side branches for balance. A symmetrical look can be maintained by turning the plant regularly toward the sun. The lower branches and limbs tend to shed dry, brown needles when dehydrated and need pruning. The dry needles will not come back nor will lower limbs. These drying needles and dying limbs suggest drying out so follow watering instructions. The only maintenance pruning to be done is the removal of dead lower branches. Comments From Experts Extension Nursery Specialist Dr. Leonard Perry: If you want to invest in a houseplant with a future, buy a Norfolk Island pine. It requires minimal care, and because it grows slowly will remain small and attractive for many years indoors. Horticulturist Rosie Lerner: The Norfolk Island pine has grown in popularity as a live indoor Christmas tree. Its lush green twigs of soft needles provide a lovely backdrop for festive holiday ornaments. Moisture Norfolk pines have distinctively flat, whorled snow-flake like branches and short soft needles. They enjoy humid environments. As they age, and with the lack of humidity, the needles along the trunk will fall off. Mist spraying and a rocky moisture bed can increase humidity but never leave moisture around the roots. Just like under-watering, too much water will result in sporadic bright yellow needle clusters that come off very easily and dont come back. Check to make sure the plant is not standing in lots of water. It is actually inhibiting root water uptake, increasing root rot and, like lack of moisture is not good. These plants do best with consistency so stay on a weekly watering schedule - not too much and not too little h2o. You can get by with less during the dormant winter months. Fertilization Norfolk Island pines dont require frequent fertilization but when you do, use only at half the normal recommended rate. You can also use any complete soluble fertilizer including liquid foliar plant food applied as a mist for enhanced foliage response. Fertilize older plants every three to four months and repotted or newly purchased plants every four to six months. Try to limit the times you move your tree to a  new container as they have a weak root system which can be harmed by rough movement.  Norfolk Island pines need only be repotted every three to four years using a commercially available potting mixture. Culture Light requirement: tree grows in full sunSoil tolerances: clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; well-drainedDrought tolerance: highAerosol salt tolerance: moderateSoil salt tolerance: good In Depth Although Norfolk pines provide some shade, they are not suitable for patios or terraces because they are too large and large surface roots are common. Obviously, this only applies to people growing the tree in south Florida. For the rest of us, moving a potted tree outside to partially shaded sun through spring and summer is a good thing. Many people forget how tall these trees grow. They often have an attractive pyramidal form (like a fir or spruce tree) when they are small, but they quickly grow too tall for most residential sites. They can live as a houseplant for a long time if not over-watered but rarely grow more than 5 or 6 feet tall. Growing best in full sun locations, this tree thrives on a variety of soils and is moderately salt tolerant. Young plants should be watered well, especially during periods of drought. Be sure to prune out multiple trunks or leaders as they should be grown with one central leader.​​ Propagation is by seeds or cuttings of erect shoot tips only.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When to See a Doctor for Bursitis

When to See a Doctor for Bursitis Bursitis is defined as the irritation or inflammation of a bursa (fluid-filled sacs attached to joints). You can often effectively treat bursitis at home. However, in some cases, you may want or need to treat bursitis with some techniques not available at home and require a visit to a doctor. If you have bursitis and you experience a warm swelling, a fever or become sick you may have septic bursitis and should seek medical attention. Septic bursitis needs antibiotic medication to treat it. In the case of non-septic bursitis you should consider seeing a doctor: If the pain becomes severe or is getting progressively worseIf your range of motion is being hampered and the swelling and stiffness is getting worseIf your strength is affectedIf the injury is becoming chronic and never fully alleviates, or commonly reoccursIf methods for preventing bursitis have not proven sufficientIf home treatments are not effectiveIf you can not change your habits or the repetitive stress causing your bursitis is unavoidable What to Expect From Your Doctor If you are seeking medical help for your bursitis then your general practitioner is probably your first stop. Your doctor will need a history of your condition including the symptoms and activities that trigger or worsen the symptoms. Additionally, you should provide your doctor with information about any treatments, over the counter medication or home remedies you have tried and how effective they have been. Your doctor will perform a basic physical examination of the affected area to check for a swollen bursa. Diagnostic imagery is usually not required  but is some difficult cases it may be requested. Imagery, such as an X-ray or MRI, can help fill out a comprehensive diagnosis. Once diagnosed your doctor may prescribe treatment or refer you to a specialist. In some cases, your doctor may suggest draining the bursa to reduce the swelling. This can usually be done during the same visit. Your doctor will simply insert a syringe into the bursa and remove some of the fluid. This can provide immediate relief but does not treat the cause of bursitis.​ When referring you to a specialist your general practitioner will often suggest a physical therapist or occupational therapist. These therapists will develop a treatment regimen of exercise and/or behavioral therapy that should change or remove the repetitive stress that is causing bursitis as well as strengthening the area so it is more robust. What to Bring to Your Doctor Being prepared with a thorough history of your symptoms can help your doctor diagnose your bursitis. Organize your information to help your doctor get through all the pertinent parts in the time usually allotted for an appointment. The information you should have on hand includes: What your symptoms areWhen your symptoms first presented or startedHow severe your symptoms areIf your symptoms come and go or are persistentWhat activities trigger or worsen your symptomsWhat kind of repetitive stress concerning the area of your bursitis you regularly encounterAny candidate causes of bursitis you have identifiedAny injuries within the past 6 months to the area of your bursitisOther medical conditions you currently suffer from or have had in the past, including surgeries When gathering your information, it is beneficial to journal your symptoms. Write down all your symptoms with notes about duration and severity. Use a Visual Analog Pain Scale to track the pain. Make notes of the activities that may contribute to bursitis and what effect they seem to have. Furthermore, write down any treatments and if they have a positive or negative effect. Last, but not least, write down any questions you have for your doctor before your appointment. Patients often get nervous or forget their questions when face to face with their doctor. Write down your questions and make sure you get satisfactory answers before you leave. Dont forget, your doctor is there to help you and you are paying them for that help, so make sure to get your moneys worth.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Is the human soul immortal Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Is the human soul immortal - Thesis Example The combined effort of these three entities is required for the proper functioning of human life. Only the body is visible to us whereas mind and soul are invisible to us. This is because of the fact that body is made of physical things which are visible to us. On the other hand, mind and soul are invisible things even though we can experience the activities of these two things. The dual nature of body and soul was supported by ancient philosophers like Rene Descartes, Plato, Socrates etc. These philosophers believed that the soul is a non physical substance whereas body is a physical substance. Since soul is invisible, it is impossible for us to say accurately about what will happen to the soul after death. Science is keeping a meaningful silence in this issue even though it accepts the existence of mind and soul. On the other hand, only the religions are ready to answer the question with respect to the future of soul. Religious descriptions are based on beliefs rather than facts. I t is difficult to prove the religious beliefs or descriptions about soul scientifically. In short, the future of soul after our death remains a controversial topic or question. In my opinion, soul is immortal even though our body is mortal. This paper briefly analyses the immortality of soul based on the opinions of former philosophers like Plato, Socrates and Aristotle and also with respect to the some of the scientific facts available. Science says that energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another form. In other words, the total energy available in the universe is a constant. In all the activities we perform, energy is not destroyed, but transformed from one form to another. For example, a fan converts electrical energy into mechanical energy rather than destroying the energy. Soul is considered as an energy form by many people. This is because of the fact that it is difficult for our body to function properly in the absence of a soul since soul is the driving force of our body. If soul is an energy form, then there is no doubt about the immortally of soul even scientifically. Soul (Energy) which was in our body in one form could be transformed into another form after our death. In short, if science accepts soul as an energy form, it should accept the immortality of soul also. What will happen to the mind and soul if all the materials used in the making of our body were repalced with some other materials from another planet? It is difficult to answer the above question since we do not know the relation between body mind and soul. We do not know whether our body or the content of our body has any influence upon the making of our soul. Nobody knows whether life exists in other planets or not. If life exists, in other planets, what will be the nature of that life? How the body, mind and soul relationships will be there? Since science failed to give proper answers to all these questions, it is logical to believ e the words of religions with respect to the mortality or immortality of soul. Religions believe that soul is an entirely different thing which represents the Holy Spirit from god. Religions argue that human is the creation of God. According to Christian belief, God has transferred the Holy Spirit to human at the time of creation. In other words, God created the body of human from physical things and hence body will be destroyed after death. At the same time, God has given life to

Company Profile Project on American Airlines Essay

Company Profile Project on American Airlines - Essay Example He has always advocated for consolidation in the airline industry so as to create a stable as well as a competitive environment for its employees, the nearby community and the shareholders. Beverly K. Goulet who is the Senior Vice President and Chief Integration Officer plays the role of worldwide functional manager. Beverly Goulet previously served as the chief restructuring officer of AMR Corp and led the restructuring process in chapter 11 of America’s constitution as well as in the analysis and negotiation of American’s merger with the US Airways. As the worldwide functional manager, she is charged with the role of leveraging knowledge as well as innovations across the various functional departments within the company. The position is held by Stephen L. Johnson as the Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs and Assistant Secretary. Johnson holds a Masters of Business Administration as well as Juris Doctor from the University of California. He further holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University. As the geographic subsidiary manager, he operates as a bicultural interpreter who is in charge of linking different cultures within the company. He is at the forefront in the implementation of corporate as well as global strategies aimed at transforming the image of the company globally. Within the American Airlines, top-level managers include J. Scott Kirby who is the president and Elise R Erbwein who serves as the vice president. Kirby first served as the president of US Airways and he saw a number of major achievements in the airline industry. The top-level managers are responsible for overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They come up with strategic plans as well as setting a tone at the top of the organization so as to ensure smooth operations in the entire organization.

Friday, October 18, 2019

No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

No - Essay Example Another way that the employers reduce the cost of health insurance for their employees is by reducing spouse and dependent coverage costs. This way, the employees have to dig deeper into their pockets to cover the family members. Through this ways, employers save a lot of money that they would otherwise have used to cover their employees. The Obama Care if carefully analyzed takes the health insurance cover from the employer based to government based model. Because of the taxation system on employer based insurance package, fewer people will take up the employer based insurance cover. All employees have to be covered under the Act (Niles 377). This means that even those with a low income can access an insurance cover. On the other hand, it means that the employees with higher earnings have to pay more. If I did not have an insurance cover, the Obama Care would be a good option because I now have the chance of accessing an affordable and quality health cover. Labor unions have in America have been instrumental in dealing with fair practices in the employment sector for its members. Despite having come a long way, the labor unions have had their fair share of challenges. There is a general attitude against unionization by the younger generation which makes the unions to lose grip. One of major challenges that the unions are facing is the decline in membership levels. This has seen the rise in part-time employment, less job security, and a rise in the number of the working poor. Another challenge is that the right of workers to gain membership in labor unions for collective bargaining purposes is under attack. The reason for this is the weak labor laws that do not encourage unionization of employees. In response to these challenges the labor movement reaches out to the people of color, women, the young people as well as immigrant workers to strengthen the movement (JIL 4).

Twenty-First Century Images of Nurse and Nursing Essay - 1

Twenty-First Century Images of Nurse and Nursing - Essay Example This has had the effect that the nurses are uncertain about their responsibilities which lead to impaired judgment and poor decision making which has an impact to the quality of nursing care that the patients receive (Burton and Ormrod, 2011). In order to avoid the uncertainty among nurses, there is need to develop a nurse training program that will equip all nurses with the necessary skills to run a nursing unit. Nursing educators should ensure that all student nurses have undergone the training therefore, when hospitals choose nurses randomly he or she will be able to run the unit effectively. The responsibilities bestowed among nurses, especially in managing other nurses in patient care, make it one of the factors that define nursing in the 21st century. Emergence of nursing school in the late 19th century is another factor that has influenced contemporary nursing. The way that nursing schools were run at the beginning has remained in most of the nursing schools worldwide with very little modifications. An apprenticeship model was involved in training the nurses, which would take about two months; they started with making beds before progressing to other more complicated tasks. The length of the program, was initially one year, however, it was later increased to 2 to 3 years depending on the location; this duration of training has remained up to date with the longest duration of training graduate nurses being four years in some countries. Without the establishment of the nursing training schools, the field of nursing would not be as what we know it today. Another very popular historical event that shaped nursing is the World War I and a nurse by the name Florence nightingale who took care of the wounded soldiers in the war. Florence nightingale who is idolized world over for her selfless efforts defined the course that nursing should take as a profession that is fully dedicated to caring for the sick and aged and in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cardiac Involvement in melanoma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cardiac Involvement in melanoma - Essay Example As it mainly affects the skin, it causes majority of skin cancer related deaths worldwide. At present, it is the sixth most common cancer in the United States, with the current lifetime risk for developing invasive melanoma is 1 case per 60 Americans, a 2000% increase since 1930. (Swetter, 2010). Cause of the disorder Melanoma is caused when the melanocytes are constantly exposed to sunlight, paving the way for Ultra-violet photons to strike the chromophore, a part of melanocyte. So, exposure to UV radiation clearly plays a role in melanoma. As people with history of sunburns, especially blistering sunburns during childhood or in teenage, are likely to show an augmented risk of developing melanoma. ( Another widely accepted caustic factor is genetics, with familial melanoma occurring mainly due to the chromosomes 1p, 9p and 12q. Having two or more close relatives who have had this disease is a risk factor. ( Symptoms The symptoms of Melanoma, as mentioned ab ove, are any changes in the shape and color of the existing moles and also any new lump or lesions on the skin. The early symptoms of melanoma can be summarized by the mnemonic, â€Å"ABCD†. ‘A’ stands for Asymmetry and it means one half difference between the abnormal area and the other half.

OCBC Bank Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

OCBC Bank Case Study - Research Paper Example In this organization, employees are provided with the opportunities to enhance their skills through on job training, in house training programs and various management courses and development programs. The OCBC bank has a program ‘career best’ that helps employees to determine their career choices. It helps employees to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and match their talents to that of OCBC’s organizational requirements. Additionally, the company has internal job posting mechanism through which the company intimidate employees about job openings in local and overseas locations prior undertaking external hiring. Overall, the company focuses on employees’ talent and skills and allocates jobs accordingly (OCBC, 2014a). In HSBC, four areas in terms of talent management are focused upon, namely, reward and recognition, work life balance, career and development and work environment. The company has talent relationship management system where managers are responsible for employees are engaged through job rotation and various international assignments. Contrastingly in HSBC, job opportunities are allocated on the basis of seniority and experience. HSBC has different talent acquisition and training programs in different countries. Apart from short term training, the company also provides long term training similar to that of OCBC bank. Additionally, HSBC as well as OCBC sponsor various university programs related to finance and commercial banking, from where they recruit fresh bankers as well as provide internships to students from different educational programs. One contrasting as well as interesting factor that was noticed about OCBC in this study that the company continuously monitors health and security issues in different countries so that if and when employees travel in these countries, do not face any kind of problem therein (HSBC, 2014; OCBC, 2014b). It has already been highlighted that employees are asset for every organization and are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cardiac Involvement in melanoma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cardiac Involvement in melanoma - Essay Example As it mainly affects the skin, it causes majority of skin cancer related deaths worldwide. At present, it is the sixth most common cancer in the United States, with the current lifetime risk for developing invasive melanoma is 1 case per 60 Americans, a 2000% increase since 1930. (Swetter, 2010). Cause of the disorder Melanoma is caused when the melanocytes are constantly exposed to sunlight, paving the way for Ultra-violet photons to strike the chromophore, a part of melanocyte. So, exposure to UV radiation clearly plays a role in melanoma. As people with history of sunburns, especially blistering sunburns during childhood or in teenage, are likely to show an augmented risk of developing melanoma. ( Another widely accepted caustic factor is genetics, with familial melanoma occurring mainly due to the chromosomes 1p, 9p and 12q. Having two or more close relatives who have had this disease is a risk factor. ( Symptoms The symptoms of Melanoma, as mentioned ab ove, are any changes in the shape and color of the existing moles and also any new lump or lesions on the skin. The early symptoms of melanoma can be summarized by the mnemonic, â€Å"ABCD†. ‘A’ stands for Asymmetry and it means one half difference between the abnormal area and the other half.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

International Business Law - Assignment Example The agency intervenes in dispute resolution before they get to the level of a claim in court. It helps clients to access funds from equity partners and banks. The agency increases tenors of loans that are available to investors. Regulatory approach to the regulation of pollution involves governments or other authorities adopting guidelines that stipulate certain pollution levels and ways of maintaining these levels. An example of regulatory approach is the command and control regulation. Non-regulatory approach to the regulation of pollution uses incentives and sensitization to encourage industries to adopt environment-friendly measures and practices. Market-based incentives are an example of non-regulatory pollution regulation. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement that many nations negotiated during the 1997 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto, Japan. The main objective of the Kyoto Protocol is to mandate nations to reduce their emission of greenhouse gases by set rates. For example, in nation present at the convention agreed to cut their annual greenhouse emissions by 5.2% by 2012 relative to 1990. The greenhouse gases targeted are carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, methane, HFCs, nitrous oxide, and PFCs. The 1989 Basel United Nations Convention introduced measures regulate the movement of hazardous waste for disposal in other countries. The convention instituted a condition that require that states that are parties to the convention cannot authorize or transport hazardous waste across borders into or out of a country that prohibits such movement. Party states cannot move hazardous waste into another country if they have the capacity to recycle it. They also cannot move waste into a country that lacks sound waste management measures (August, Mayer and Bixby 52-

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hamlet Appearance vs Reality Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Appearance vs Reality Essay Appearance vs. reality in Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, is a jaded yet common theme. This play is teeming with characters that play their roles behind a veil of duplicity. They often appear to be one way when they really are something entirely different. Things within the play appear to be true and honest but in reality are polluted with evil. Many of the characters within the play hide behind a mask of dishonesty. Four of the main characters that hid behind this mask are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius. From behind this mask they give the impression of a person who is sincere and true, in reality they are overwhelmed with lies and evil. One of the most obvious examples of appearance vs. reality in Hamlet is the character of Claudius. Claudius longed to be king, rule the land and crown his queen. He gave no regard to the feelings of the family. He was jealous and ruthless in pursuing his dream†¦ruthless to the point of murder. He pretends to be concerned and upset with the actions of Hamlet and his well being, when in reality he is frightened that Hamlet is aware of his deadly secret. It was as if he cast a spell on the whole kingdom for his own self-fulfilling interest. Our â€Å"innocent† Claudius even summons spies to investigate the origin of Hamlet’s madness†¦not for the good of Hamlet but for himself. He is indeed a jaded character, whose kind aura masks the face of a selfish murderer as he says â€Å"whose whisper o’er the world’s diameter, as levels as the cannon to his blank transports his poisoned shot, may miss our name and hit the woundless air. Oh come away! My soul is full of discord and dismay! †- Claudius, act 4 scene 1, lines 42-46. This quote demonstrates how Claudius seems to be worried about Hamlet and his actions when he is really fearful of him discovering the truth. In addition, the king’s royal associate, Polonius, appears to be a loyal and trustworthy servant to the kingdom throughout the play, willing to take on tasks and burdens requested by their majesties. However, in reality Polonius is an evil, greedy selfish man, who serves not his kingdom but himself. One example of this is how Polonius appears to be happy, concerned and supportive of his son, Laerte’s, journey to France. He seems to be supportive of his son until he sends Reynaldo as an emissary, in order to detect what sort of mischief he stumbles upon in France. In addition, Polonius, again, displays his devious characteristics when he spies on Hamlet and Ophelia in an attempt to analyze Hamlet’s madness. He soon orders Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, as he brainwashes her with lies about Hamlets motives, when in reality Hamlet is truly in love with Ophelia. Once again, Polonius proves his scheming behavior when he listens in on Hamlet and Gertrude’s conversation while in the bedchamber. Hamlet finally teaches him his lesson when he unexpectedly murders the â€Å"rat. † In reality Polonius is anything but a loving father watching out for his children, he uses everyone to his advantage and for his own purposes; this proves as evidence for his sneaky demeanor. Even two of Hamlet’s childhood friends are victims of the appearance vs. reality theme. They were sent and bribed by the king and queen to try and determine the cause of Hamlet’s insanity. They approach Hamlet as long-lost pals when they are really anything but. They were there not as friends but hired help for Hamlet’s condition. In act 2 scene 2 line 299, Guildenstern quotes â€Å"What should we say my lord? † Completely denying the fact that they were sent for by the king and queen. Hamlet quickly reveals the truth and says, Were you not sent for/ And there is a kind of confession in your looks, which your modesties have not craft in color. (Shakespeare 2:2:278) From these words he is demanding an answer from his schoolmates as to their unexplained arrival. At the end he tells them nothing. As the play continues his friends are asked again by the king to go to Hamlet and try again to find the real reason for Hamlet’s behavior. Hamlet insults them at every chance knowing that they are lying to him about their purpose of the visit, ’Tis as easy as lying: govern these ventages with you finger and thumb, give it breath with your mouth (Shakespeare 3:2:348) The twins show their appearance of being Hamlets friends but in truth they have a hidden reason for visiting with Hamlet. Both show that it will be very difficult for Hamlet to uncover the reliability hidden within the lies. Throughout the play, characters help to show the theme, which is appearance verses reality. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and the king all appear to be good and honest. As Hamlet finds out, all contain lies and have hidden intentions within them. As each character is presented in the play all appear to be good and honest making it a hard for Hamlet to uncover the hidden truth about the nature of each character. Throughout the play everyone puts up a front so to speak, for different reasons. Hamlet believed that the world was corrupt and deceiving, this led him to become violently ambitious. Claudius was manipulative and cunning, and used his greed to achieve what he desired. Deception is a major theme of the play. Obviously throughout the play there are many discrepancies between appearance vs. reality. It seems everyone is jaded and full of deception or ulterior motives. With such controversial people in the kingdom, it is quite appropriate to state that there truly is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Lies Told By People Everyday

The Lies Told By People Everyday Tad William once said We tell lies when we are afraid afraid of what we dont know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. In relationships and marriages, dishonesty is a love buster. But sometimes honesty is worse, like the article dishonesty it says: When a wife first learns that her husband has been unfaithful, the pain is often so great that she wishes she had been left ignorant. When a husband discovers his wifes affair, its like a knife in his heart and he wonders if it would have better not known. In fact, many marriage counselors advise clients to avoid telling spouses about past infidelity, saying that its too painful for people to handle. Besides, if its over and done with, why dredge up the sewage of the past? (Harley, 1976) They look at it as just a mistake and want to be forgiven. People are dishonest because they believe that the others cant handle the truth, which for most cases its true because the truth most of the time is bitter. But i think that no matter how hard the truth is you should just be straight up and honest. Mark Twain once said If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything. Just like Dishonesty article says: Its this sort of confusion that leads some of the most well-intentioned husbands and wives to lie to each other, or at least give each other false impressions. They feel that dishonesty will help them protect each others feelings. But what kind of a relationship is that? The lie is a wall that comes between the two partners, something hidden, a secret that cannot be mentioned, yet is right under the surface of every conversation. (Harley, 1976) If you think about it youre going to have to take a lie and keep adding on to it more and more and you cant even remember what you said in the beginning so even though telling the truth is difficult its the easiest. With a lie youre always going to get caught up. Just like karma- what goes around comes around. And depending on the lie you can be holding all this unnecessary weight on your shoulders and be stressing about it. A Russian proverb states With lies you may get ahead in the world but you can never go back. Just like the article Dishonesty states: Dishonesty strangles compatibility. To create and sustain compatibility, you must lay your cards on the table. You must be honest about your thoughts, feelings, habits, likes, dislikes, personal history, daily activities and plans for the future. When misinformation is part of the mix, you have little hope of making successful adjustments to each other. Dishonesty not only makes solutions hard to find, but it often leaves couples ignorant of the problems themselves. (Harley, 1976) So along with lying not only would you be feeling guilty and stress, you may even regret what you have lied about which makes it even more difficult to confess what you have lied about. A lie can take care of the present and solve what you are going through momentarily, but it does not have a good future. Bill Copeland once said: When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback. Once you have become a liar, people cannot believe you no matter how hard you try. They will immediately develop an instinct to question the words that are coming out of your mouth. For instance, we have all heard of the tale The boy who cried wolf. The little boy would entertain himself by tricking villagers that a wolf is attacking his flock of sheep. When they came to help him, they found out that it was a false alarm and he just wasted their time. They thought he was just a little boy that was playing around. However, when the boy was actually confronted by the wolf and cried wolf, none of the villagers believed him. In other words, the moral of the story was even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. Some people even lie because they feel desperate, like they steal because they are desperate and in need of money. They do not know where to turn to so they see this as their only way of getting away. Also another example is academic dishonesty. Some students feel really desperate to cheat or plagiarize because they want to pass or earn a decent grade. Other People basically lie sometimes just so they can get straight to what they want, like in the movie sisters keeper, the girl who had Leukemia told her 11 year old sister to lie to her mom saying that she didnt want to donate her kidney to her, but really it was because the girl with the Leukemia didnt want everyone to suffer with her. So it was a lie because the daughter didnt want to hurt her mother. Kids start learning to lie from their parents, especially when the kid is afraid of the parent. On Feb 10 2008, Po Bronson wrote an article in the New York Magazine it was a study that A doctor in a University made, this is what the article said: For a study to assess the extent of teenage dissembling, Dr. Nancy Darling, then at Penn State University, recruited a special research team of a dozen undergraduate students, all under the age of 21. Using gift certificates for free CDs as bait, Darlings Mod Squad persuaded high-school students to spend a few hours with them in the local pizzeria. Each student was handed a deck of 36 cards, and each card in this deck listed a topic teens sometimes lie about to their parents. Over a slice and a Coke, the teen and two researchers worked through the deck, learning what things the kid was lying to his parents about, and why. They began the interviews saying that parents give you everything and yes, you should tell them everything, Darling observes. By the end of the interview, the kids saw for the first time how much they were lying and how many of the familys rules they had broken. Darling says 98 percent of the teens reported lying to their parents. Out of the 36 topics, the average teen was lying to his parents about twelve of them. The teens lied about what they spent their allowances on, and whether theyd started dating, and what clothes they put on away from the house. They lied about what movie they went to, and whom they went with. They lied about alcohol and drug use, and they lied about whether they were hanging out with friends their parents disapproved of. They lied about how they spent their afternoons while their parents were at work. They lied about whether chaperones were in attendance at a party or whether they rode in cars driven by drunken teens. Most parents hear their child lie and assume hes too young to understand what lies are or that lyings wrong. They presume their child will stop when he gets older and learns those distinctions. Talwar has found the opposite to be true-kids who grasp early the nuances between lies and truth use this knowledge to their advantage, making them more prone to lie when given the chance. Although we think of truthfulness as a young childs paramount virtue, it turns out that lying is the more advanced skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying demands both advanced cognitive development and social skills that honesty simply doesnt require. Its a developmental milestone, Talwar has concluded. (Bronson, 2008) Basically kids learn how to lie from fear. One lie that we will never stop having is, lying to ourselves. Lying to yourself maybe to build some confidence, or even maybe to understand something. The article The Human Thing to Do: Lying to Yourself by Vanessa Gilbert says: As humans, we perform a lot of acts we wish we had never done, and we spend a lot of our time on earth regretting what has already been done, something we cant change. Whether it was that bad breakup, or smoking for twenty years, or even wishing we would have gone out and exercised on those Sunday mornings, we all worry about them and we all lie to ourselves to pretend that it wasnt our fault, and that we couldnt have prevented it anymore than what we did. In fact, it seems we lie to ourselves so much we cant piece the truth apart from the false things we have told ourselves for months on end. If there is one fact I have learned in my thirteen years of life, it is that everything in this world is corrupt in one way or another. That certain aspect, religion, club, organization, or mindset didnt even start out pure because it was most likely made by humans, who are dirty, selfish, and continually seeking the solace they find in having a solution for everything. I guess you could say that lying to yourself has always been something we have done. You cant blame this one on popular culture, teenagers, or the failing economy. Humans have lived this way for thousands and thousands of years, and weve made it this far thinking the same exact way. Is it okay to be delusional and far from the truth? Is it worth knowing the truth just because it is the truth? Furthermore, would we be better off if we were up front with each other and ourselves? It may hurt to face the truth in the beginning, but in the long run, you are guaranteed to be happy. You will be happy with yourself, with the people you love, and with the cold, hard truth, and nothing else. In the process of opening your eyes, you see a lot more than just whats around you. You see what you missed, what is real, and what is to look forward to. Not everything that is true is harsh. If we do not come to realize what is real, we will continue to be let down, and we will always make the same mistakes. All our energy will all be put into something that is not helping us any. We will neither advance nor go backward. Instead of staying stagnate, why not move forward? (Gilbert, 2009) In conclusion, dishonesty isnt the best thing, and also sometimes it isnt the worse thing. Society is filled with liars and dishonest people. But there are also people that had only told a few lies. Baltasar Gracian once said A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity. A single lie might just ruin ones whole life. So one must watch out and think before talking or doing, so no one can get into lies. Resources: Harley, Dr. Dishonesty. Marriage Builders  ® Successful Marriage Advice. 1 Jan. 1976. Web. 30 July 2010. . Bronson, Po. Are Kids Copying Their Parents When They Lie? New York Magazine. New York Magazine NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies. 10 Feb. 2008. Web. 31 July 2010. . Gilbert, Vanessa. The Human Thing to Do: Lying to Yourself DivineCaroline. DivineCaroline: Relationships, Health, Home, Style, Parenting, and Community for Women DivineCaroline. 07 June 2009. Web. 30 July 2010. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free Siddhartha Essays: Significance of the River :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

The Significance of the River in Siddhartha In the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the significance of the river is displayed throughout the experiences that Siddhartha has next to the river and the things that by listening to the sound he comes to understand. Siddhartha is learning something from the moment he rides the ferry to the time when Govinda lays on the ground with tears flowing uncontrollably. Siddhartha admits to having no money to pay for the voyage, but the Ferryman says that friendship is payment enough, and takes him into town. After leaving town, Siddhartha returns to the river where had met the Ferryman earlier. Intrigued by the river's beauty and silent wisdom, Siddhartha decides to stay by the river. Siddhartha soon meets the Ferryman Vasuveda, the same man who took him across the river earlier. Siddhartha offers to be Vasuveda's apprentice, an offer that the Ferryman graciously accepts. The two grow together as Siddhartha begins to learn the river's wisdom, and soon Siddhartha begins to emulate Vasuveda's demeanor, expressing a contented peace in the routine of daily life. Years pass. One day, the two Ferrymen hear that the Buddha is dying. Kamala, on hearing the news as well, travels with her son to be near Goatama. As she passes near the river, she is bitten by a snake and dies, but not before Vasuveda takes her to Siddhartha. After Kamala dies, Siddhartha keeps his son with him by the river. The boy, though, refuses to accept Siddhartha as his father and consequently does nothing he is told. Many months pass, but the boy remains intransigent. Eventually the boy runs away. Vasuveda tells Siddhartha to let him go, but Siddhartha follows him. Upon reaching the town, Siddhartha recalls his own experiences there and admits to himself what he knew all along, that he could not help the boy. Siddhartha feels a great sorrow at this loss, and the happiness he had known as a Ferryman leaves him. Vasuveda soon arrives and leads the despondent Siddhartha to back to the river. The pain of losing his son was long lasting for Siddhartha. It enabled him, however, to identify with ordinary people more than ever before. Though Siddhartha was beginning to understand what wisdom really is, the thought of son did not leave him. One day he sets off in search of his son, but stops as he heard the river laughing at him. Free Siddhartha Essays: Significance of the River :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays The Significance of the River in Siddhartha In the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the significance of the river is displayed throughout the experiences that Siddhartha has next to the river and the things that by listening to the sound he comes to understand. Siddhartha is learning something from the moment he rides the ferry to the time when Govinda lays on the ground with tears flowing uncontrollably. Siddhartha admits to having no money to pay for the voyage, but the Ferryman says that friendship is payment enough, and takes him into town. After leaving town, Siddhartha returns to the river where had met the Ferryman earlier. Intrigued by the river's beauty and silent wisdom, Siddhartha decides to stay by the river. Siddhartha soon meets the Ferryman Vasuveda, the same man who took him across the river earlier. Siddhartha offers to be Vasuveda's apprentice, an offer that the Ferryman graciously accepts. The two grow together as Siddhartha begins to learn the river's wisdom, and soon Siddhartha begins to emulate Vasuveda's demeanor, expressing a contented peace in the routine of daily life. Years pass. One day, the two Ferrymen hear that the Buddha is dying. Kamala, on hearing the news as well, travels with her son to be near Goatama. As she passes near the river, she is bitten by a snake and dies, but not before Vasuveda takes her to Siddhartha. After Kamala dies, Siddhartha keeps his son with him by the river. The boy, though, refuses to accept Siddhartha as his father and consequently does nothing he is told. Many months pass, but the boy remains intransigent. Eventually the boy runs away. Vasuveda tells Siddhartha to let him go, but Siddhartha follows him. Upon reaching the town, Siddhartha recalls his own experiences there and admits to himself what he knew all along, that he could not help the boy. Siddhartha feels a great sorrow at this loss, and the happiness he had known as a Ferryman leaves him. Vasuveda soon arrives and leads the despondent Siddhartha to back to the river. The pain of losing his son was long lasting for Siddhartha. It enabled him, however, to identify with ordinary people more than ever before. Though Siddhartha was beginning to understand what wisdom really is, the thought of son did not leave him. One day he sets off in search of his son, but stops as he heard the river laughing at him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Example of Leadership Essay

From the Forbes’ article â€Å"Leadership Lessons from Admiral Michelle Howard, The Highest Ranking Woman in Naval History†, written by Kathryn Dill, tells the history of the four-star admiral and Vice Chief of Naval Operations, the second highest position in the Navy, Michelle Howard and how she became the first American woman to get this position. It is all about her leadership. The first aspect that she points out is about innovation. She takes the example of outside companies and does not have fear to make changes. She says: â€Å"There’s great ideas out there–it’s having the courage to go ask people about what they’re doing that’s different, and saying, ‘I wonder how I could apply that to my organization.’† It is important to all organizations keep changing. She has an envision of the future and because of her way to manage her team, it will be always better, by experimenting and learning from those changes. Moreover, she encourages creativity and â€Å"creates an environment where employees can meet personal goals and they’ll strive that much harder for the professional ones.† It is clear that she wants everyone to share the same vision and seek their goals, even the professional or the personal ones. Doing this, she encourages their hearts joining their lives’ purposes. At last, she is a great example for her co-workers. She is a great leader who behaves and work in a consistent way. Furthermore, she is strong and brave. Someone who people could trust. Work Cited Dill, Kathryn. â€Å"Leadership Lessons From Admiral Michelle Howard, The Highest RankingWoman In Naval History.† Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 1 July 2014. Web. 23July 2014. <

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Classical Concerto

CONCERTO A concerto (from the Italian: concerto, plural concerti or, often, the anglicised form concertos) is a musical composition usually composed in three parts or movements, in which (usually) one solo instrument (for instance, a piano, violin, cello or flute) is accompanied by an orchestra.The etymology is uncertain, but the word seems to have originated from the conjunction of the two Latin words conserere (meaning to tie, to join, to weave) and certamen (competition, fight): the idea is that the two parts in a concerto, the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition, cooperation, and independence in the creation of the music flow. The concerto, as understood in this modern way, arose in the Baroque period side by side with the concerto grosso, which contrasted a small group of instruments with the rest of the orchestra.The popularity of the concerto grosso form declined after the Baroque period, and the genre was not revived until the 20th century. The solo co ncerto, however, has remained a vital musical force from its inception to this day. Classical concerto . Sonata form in the Classical ConcertoFor exposition, development and recapitulation, The concerti of the sons of Johann Sebastian Bach are perhaps the best links between those of the Baroque period and those of Mozart. C. P. E. Bach’s keyboard concerti contain some brilliant soloistic writing.Some of them have movements that run into one another without a break, and there are frequent cross-movement thematic references. Mozart, as a boy, made arrangements for harpsichord and orchestra of three sonata movements by Johann Christian Bach. By the time he was twenty, Mozart was able to write concerto ritornelli that gave the orchestra admirable opportunity for asserting its character in an exposition with some five or six sharply contrasted themes, before the soloist enters to elaborate on the material. He wrote one concerto each for flute, oboe (later rearranged for flute and known as Flute Concerto No. ), clarinet, and bassoon, four for horn, a Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra, a Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, and Exsultate, jubilate, a de facto concerto for soprano voice. They all exploit and explore the characteristics of the solo instrument. His five violin concerti, written in quick succession, show a number of influences, notably Italian and Austrian. Several passages have leanings towards folk music, as manifested in Austrian serenades. However, it was in his twenty-seven original piano concerti that he excelled himself. citation needed] It is conventional to state that the first movements of concerti from the Classical period onwards follow the structure of sonata form. Final movements are often in rondo form, as in J. S. Bach's E Major Violin Concerto. [2] Sonata form Sonata form is a large-scale musical structure used widely since the middle of the 18th century (the early Classical period). While it is typically us ed in the first movement of multi-movement pieces, it is sometimes used in subsequent movements as well—particularly the final movement.The teaching of sonata form in music theory rests on a standard definition and a series of hypotheses about the underlying reasons for the durability and variety of the form—a definition that arose in the second quarter of the 19th century. [2] There is little disagreement that on the largest level, the form consists of three main sections: an exposition, a development, and a recapitulation;[3] however, beneath this, sonata form is difficult to pin down in terms of a single model.The standard definition focuses on the thematic and harmonic organization of tonal materials that are presented in an exposition, elaborated and contrasted in a development and then resolved harmonically and thematically in a recapitulation. In addition, the standard definition recognizes that an introduction and a coda may be present. Each of the sections is often further divided or characterized by the particular means by which it accomplishes its function in the form.Since its establishment, the sonata form became the most common form in the first movement of works entitled â€Å"sonata†, as well as other long works of classical music, including the symphony, concerto, string quartet, and so on. [3] Accordingly, there is a large body of theory on what unifies and distinguishes practice in the sonata form, both within eras and between eras. Even works that do not adhere to the standard description of a sonata form often present analogous structures or can be analyzed as elaborations or expansions of the standard description of sonata form.Outline of sonata form Introduction The Introduction section is optional, or may be reduced to a minimum. If it is extended, it is, in general, slower than the main section, and frequently focuses on the dominant key. It may or may not contain material that is later stated in the exposition. Th e introduction increases the weight of the movement, and also permits the composer to begin the exposition with a theme that would be too light to start on its own, as in Haydn's Symphony No. 03 (â€Å"The Drumroll†) and Beethoven's Quintet for Piano and Winds Op. 16. The introduction usually is not included in the exposition repeat. On occasion, the material of introduction reappears in its original tempo later in the movement. Often, this occurs as late as the coda, as in Mozart's String Quintet in D major K. 593, Haydn's Drumroll Symphony, or Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 (â€Å"Pathetique†). Exposition The primary thematic material for the movement is presented in the Exposition. This section can be further divided into several sections.The same section in most sonata form movements has prominent harmonic and thematic parallelisms (although in some works from the 19th century and onward, some of these parallelisms are subject to considerable exceptions), which inc lude: First subject group, P (Prime) – this consists of one or more themes, all of them in the home key (also called the tonic)—so if the piece is in C major, all of the music in the first group will be in C major. Although some pieces are written differently, most follow this form. Transition, T – in this section the composer modulates from the key of the first subject to the key of the second.Second subject group, S – one or more themes in a different key from the first group. If the first group is in a major key, the second group will usually be in the dominant. If the original key is C major, for example, the key of the music of the second group will be G major, a perfect fifth higher. If the first group is in a minor key, the second group will, in general, be in the relative major, so that, if the original key is C minor, the second group will be in E-flat major. The material of the second group is often different in rhythm or mood from that of the f irst group (frequently, it is more lyrical).Codetta, K – the purpose of this is to bring the exposition section to a close with a perfect cadence in the same key as the second group. The exposition is commonly repeated, particularly in classical works. Often, though not always, the last measure or measures of the exposition are slightly different between the repeats, one to point back to the tonic, where the exposition began, and the second to point towards the development. Development In general, the development starts in the same key as the exposition ended, and may move through many different keys during its course.It will usually consist of one or more themes from the exposition altered and on occasion juxtaposed and may include new material or themes – though exactly what is acceptable practice is a famous point of contention. Alterations include taking material through distant keys, breaking down of themes and sequencing of motifs, and so forth. The development v aries greatly in length from piece to piece and from time period to time period, sometimes being relatively short compared to the exposition (e. g. , the first movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525/I by Mozart) and in other cases quite long and detailed (e. . , the first movement of the â€Å"Eroica† Symphony by Beethoven). Developments in the classical era are typically shorter due to how much composers of that era valued symmetry, unlike the more expressive romantic era (â€Å"Eroica† is considered to be the first Romantic symphony) in which development sections gain a much greater importance. However, it almost always shows a greater degree of tonal, harmonic, and rhythmic instability than the other sections. At the end, the music will usually return to the tonic key in preparation of the recapitulation. On occasion it will actually return to the sub-dominant key and then proceed with the same transition as in the exposition). The transition from the development to the recapitulation is a crucial moment in the work. The last part of the development section is called the retransition: It prepares for the return of the first subject group in the tonic, most often through a grand prolongation of the dominant seventh. Thus, if the key of the movement is C major, the retransition would most typically stress the dominant seventh chord on G.In addition, the character of the music would signal such a return, often becoming more frenetic (as in the case of the first movement of Beethoven's â€Å"Waldstein† Sonata, Op. 53). A rather notable exception to the harmonic norm of the retransition occurs in the first movement of Brahms's Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 1. The general key of the movement is C major, and it would then follow that the retransition should stress the dominant seventh chord on G. Instead, it builds in strength over the seventh chord on C, as if the music were proceeding to F major.At the height of the musical tension, this chord triumphs with great volume and wide registral scope on the downbeat, only to take up immediately the first theme in C major – that is, without any standard harmonic preparation. Occasionally, the retransition can begin with a false recapitulation, in which the opening material of the first theme group is presented in a key other than the tonic. The surprise that ensues when the music continues to modulate toward the tonic can be used for either comic or dramatic effect. RecapitulationFirst subject group – normally given prominence as the highlight of a recapitulation, it is usually in exactly the same key and form as in the exposition. Transition – Often the transition is carried out by introducing novel material, a kind of brief additional development section; this is called a secondary development. Second subject group – usually in roughly the same form as in the exposition, but now in the home key, which sometimes involves change of mode from major to minor, or vice versa, as occurs in the first movement of Mozart's Symphony No. 0 (K. 550). More often, however, it may be recast in the parallel major of the home key (for example, C major when the movement is in C minor like Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, op. 67/I). Key here is more important than mode (major or minor) – the recapitulation provides the needed balance even if the material's mode is changed, so long as there is no longer any key conflict. Exceptions to the recapitulation form include Mozart and Haydn works that often begin with the second subject group when the first subject group has been elaborated at ength in the development. After the closing cadence, the musical argument proper is said to be completed. If the movement continues, it is said to have a coda. Coda After the final cadence of the recapitulation, the movement may continue with a coda which will contain material from the movement proper. Codas, when present, vary considerably in length, b ut like introductions are not part of the â€Å"argument† of the work. The coda will end, however, with a perfect authentic cadence in the original key.Codas may be quite brief tailpieces, or they may be very long and elaborate. A famous example of the more extended type is the coda to the first movement of Beethoven's Eroica Symphony (no. 3 in E flat), although there are numerous others in Beethoven's music. Explanations for why an extended coda is present vary. One reason may be to omit the repeat of the development and recapitulation sections found in earlier sonata forms of the eighteenth century. Indeed, Beethoven's extended codas often serve the purpose of further development of thematic material.